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Sunday, March 30, 2014

San Mateo Toll Bridge Plaza, Hayward


I don't understand why all toll plazas that accept FastTrak aren't like the Benicia Bridge toll plaza, which allows you to maintain your speed as your proceed through on the Hayward side. My guess is it's probably a traffic issue, but traffic can slow beyond the toll plaza on any bridge, so that doesn't really answer my question either.

Even with our FastTrak, we had to slow to 25 as we went through. It's nice to not have to stop, but it'd be even nicer if wide, open toll lanes didn't make us slow down either.  We were headed across at a point in the afternoon when there wasn't much traffic, and really no reason to slow (other than to obey the posted speed limits).

At least once you get through the toll area, a beautiful, long, and scenic bridge waits on the other side as you drive toward San Mateo.

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