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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Disneyland Turkey Leg Cart, Anaheim


Willie Birds Turkey Legs in Santa Rosa, CA sets the standard for BBQ jumbo drumsticks pretty high. Disneyland's turkey legs are just about as good! It was a little bit smaller, but perfect for one (hungry) person.  $10 for crunchy, juicy, tender turkey. It's not an easy item to eat without making a mess, so grab some napkins!

Unfortunately the cart can't give ice (only restaurants at Disneyland can), and they didn't have any plastic bags for saving the turkey if you can't finish it all at once. I was directed to a store across the way and they gave me a huge bag to put it in :( totally wasting plastic!  Perhaps this cart should get bags; and make them proper size for the turkey leg.

Turkeys are very sweet, intelligent animals. It makes me sad to eat them. But it takes away a little of the guilty pain when it's this good. I won't settle for grandma's dry Thanksgiving birds any more, but amazing BBQ just can't be passed up sometimes!

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